Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dhoni wants Chawla in 'good mental state'

Unfazed by the criticism for persisting with an off-colour Piyush Chawla game after game, Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni defended the leg-spinner's selection, saying he needs to be kept in "good mental state" for the tough World Cup matches ahead. Chawla leaked quite a few runs against the Net 
herlands for his two wickets yesterday but Dhoni said he was selected for this match to get him back in rhythm.
"We had to see which player needed this game. Piyush (Chawla) has been under pressure a bit. You want your bowlers to be in good mental state, and that is one reason why we gave him the chance," Dhoni said at the post-match press conference after India clinched a hard-fought five wicket victory over the Netherlands.
"He was bowling more freely today, it was an important game for him. He started off well but struggled against England. He made his debut early and is coming back into the team. People criticised him left and right, so it was a big game for him. Overall, I am quite happy with him," he said.
Dhoni said that Ashwin will be given a chance in the remaining league matches and described the Tamil Nadu spinner as "mentally very strong". "I am still suppose to give Ashwin a chance. I think he will feature in one of the coming matches. He is mentally very strong and stable and will be able to perform whenever given the chance. I think it will be good to give him a chance", he said. Dhoni acknowledged that the five-wicket victory may not look too great but it was largely because of some experimentation the team did in the batting order.
"Winning is important. It is not a bad win. Of course it looks bad but the record books will say we won by five wickets. We were under some pressure in the middle overs, overall it was a good experience," he pointed out. The Indian captain tried to draw positives from the hard-fought win and said all the batsmen have now got a decent hit which will stand them in good stead in the knock-out stages of the mega event. "Everybody has got fair amount of exposure now. That will be quite handy in the knock-out stage.
It is important to keep improving in all departments of the game," he said. Asked whether the team would continue to experiment, Dhoni said, "We have not really experimented as such. We just tried a few things. We are playing against two big teams and it is important to keep the momentum going.

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