Thursday, February 3, 2011

How to Play Cricket - How to be a Good Captain

Q. How to be a good captain. 
Captaincy when done properly will close out games and ensure a team wins, when done poorly will lead to drops in team moral, player confidence, relegation and demotion to lesser cricket leagues etc.
The art of being a good captain - is what sets the greats apart from the others. <p>

Q.So how do i become a good captain ?

A. Read the game - Learn and teach yourself how to think cricket. I have often said cricket is like "chess on grass". As a captain you control your players and bowlers to do things that the other team would not want. Always do exactly what the opposition would not want you to do.

Q. How to bowl your bowlers.

A. Don't not over bowl your bowlers, use short sharp spells and clever rotation of bowlers to ensure batsman do not get in rhythm - to keep them off guard.

Q. How to motivate players.

A. Make it clear to your players before the game starts what is expected and what their roles are, each player should have an individual role for batting, bowling and fielding. Have this written or memorised - and tell / discuss with the players before the game starts, this inspires a great deal of confidence from your players - as they know you have clearly thought out what the action plan is.

Q. How to act as captain.

This comes back to Thinking cricket, be passionate, level headed, lead from the front, set targets and goals. Be able to adjust goals and targets to different game situations.

Hopefully the above has given you enough insight on how to play cricket to a better level and how to be a good cricket captain.

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